iBAY Lab News
Dr. Xiao's publication, A Longitudinal Examination of Children's Friendships Across Racial Status and Gender and Their Intergroup Prosocial Behavior, was highlighted in this article
The iBAY lab will be giving 3 presentations at SRCD (Society for Research in Child Development): A poster created by Deslie and BJ, a talk by Zili, and a talk by Dr. Xiao!
Welcome Alana and Lydia to our Lab!
Congrats to BJ and Mariah Hughes for their FUSD and Southwest Behavioral & Health internship placements!
Congrats to Deslie Houston for winning Psychology's Outstanding Senior Award!
​Congrats to Lexy Niemoller for winning Psychology's Outstanding Junior Award!
Welcome Bryanna, Mariah, and Nidhi to our lab! - 8/24
Congratulations Kayla on going to UW Madison for Social Work!
Welcome Jack and Mariah to our lab! - 5/2024
Congratulations to Emma for winning outstanding SBS Senior - 5/2024
Dr. Xiao is invited to present her research on gender and prosocial at CDS 2024: https://sites.google.com/nyu.edu/2024cdspre-conference/home 3/24
Dr. Xiao will present two papers at ISSBD, they are titled "The link between early adolescents’ gender discrimination and gender attitudes about peers: Does gender similarity matter?" and "BIPOC youth’s prosocial development: Longitudinal predictions from discrimination."
Congratulations! Jacob will start the Clinical Mental Health Counseling masters program at NAU in Fall!
Congratulations! Kasandra is accepted by NAU's Psychological Sciences masters program in Fall!
Welcome Will and Alexis to our lab! 1/24
A huge congratulations to Deslie, BJ, and Emma for receiving the SBS Outstanding Junior Award!
A huge congratulations to Kasandra for winning the Outstanding Senior Award for the college of SBS! 11/16/23
Congratulations to BJ for getting a scholarship to go to the SCANAS conference in Portland, Oregon! 10/25/23
Welcome Lenore and Zili to our lab!
We shared some of our research with Northern Arizona University through their NAU Review Newsletter! Read the article here.
Welcome BJ, Deslie, and Emma to our lab! 08/23
Dr. Xiao presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2023 Biennial Meeting! 03/23
Big congratulations to Karim for his acceptance to the University of Denver's Counseling Psychology Masters program! 03/23
Dr. Xiao presented at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCRR) in Puerto Rico! 02/23
Sarah K presented poster titled "The Association Between Family Economic Pressure and Adolescent School Belongingness" at the Future Health Professionals (HOSA) Regional Conference. 02/23
Congratulations to Sarah K for her scholarship to attend Northwestern University! 12/22
Welcome Kasandra and Isaac to our lab for next semester! 11/22
We are excited to share some of the preliminary findings from Project PBinJ about early adolescents and their positive development! View our newsletter here. 10/22
Welcome Stella to the lab! 09/22
Welcome Karim, Erin, Hunter, and Kayla to our lab! 08/22
We are very excited to welcome Su, Amanda, and Samantha as research affiliates to our lab! 07/2022
Welcome Jennifer Connor to our lab! 07/2022
Congratulations to Dr. Xiao for starting as an assistant professor at NAU! Dr. Xiao will maintain an affiliate status at ASU and continue to collaborate with ASU students and colleagues. 07/2022
Dr. Xiao presented poster titled "The benefits of buddies: Strategically pairing preschoolers with other-gender classmates promotes positive interactions" at at the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) 30th annual meeting in Seattle.
Welcome Sarah Hewitt and Sarah Kim to our lab! 05/2022
Dr. Xiao presented poster titled "Parental racial attitudes and White children’s prosocial bias toward racial outgroups: The moderating role of parental warmth" at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2022 Special Topic Meeting: Construction of the ‘Other’: Development, Consequences, and Applied Implications of Racism, Prejudice, and Discrimination. 05/2022
Dr. Xiao presented paper titled "How Coeducational Are Coeducational Classes?" at American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference. 04/2022.
Congratulations to Renee for passing comps! 04/2022
Congratulations to Joyce for passing comps! 03/2022
Congratulations to Renee and Joyce for successfully proposing their comprehensive exams!
Welcome Stephanie Donovan and Joyce Yen-Lin Lee to our lab! 12/2021